Valentine’s Day Treats

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It is a snowy, snowy February. Looks like my new spring wreath did nothing to ward off the snow and ice. We actually were sent home from work early due to freezing rain today. I had to chisel the ice off of my windshield before taking on the perilous journey that is the interstate. Thankfully, I made it home ok.

The managers at work almost always stay late and help people clear their cars off in bad weather, for which I am always so grateful. I’m glad to be home snuggled up under a fuzzy blanket with my warm cuppa tea.

The crab legs and steak turned out ok, but the shrimp didn’t compare to Daddy’s. Oh well, you can’t win them all and two out of three ain’t bad. The fellow’s V Day gift to me is a “pick your own gift” at a hobby store. As Grandpa Alfonse always said, “Anything free is worth saving up for” and crafting supplies are always worth the wait!

Now that V Day is over, I can share with you the gift basket I assembled for him.

My gentleman happens to be a beer snob and that makes gift-giving easier. A four pack of a particular beer that he likes (and has a difficult time getting) was the main gift, and then I threw in some other things to fill out the basket.

When we go on vacation, he always ends up stealing a glass from the house (Again, beer snob. Can’t drink from a bottle). I etched his SCA name on a glass, so that he could have a cheap glass for vacation that wouldn’t get lost. The letters didn’t come out very crisp, but for my purposes I like it.

Along with the glass and the beer, I filled a Dollar Store tub with beef jerky, beer nuts and dry salted peanuts, sunflower seeds, and two alcohol-flavored chocolate bars from Target, one was pale ale- flavored and the other was porter. The chocolates ended up not tasting much like alcohol, but they were a cute addition to the basket, and everyone loves chocolate!

Also, I wanted to share a picture of the mini-cheesecakes. The tart pans worked great!



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